Omg these donuts were freaking amazing…. We tried: strawberry shortcake, cinnamon, brioche, french toast, strawberry rhubarb jam filled, and mango sticky rice. ALL WERE DAIRY FREE AND VEGAN!!! SO GOOD.
— Danielle (Google)
Omg these donuts were freaking amazing…. We tried: strawberry shortcake, cinnamon, brioche, french toast, strawberry rhubarb jam filled, and mango sticky rice. ALL WERE DAIRY FREE AND VEGAN!!! SO GOOD.
— Danielle (Google)
Alexis Paquette-DeAngelis is a New England commercial brand photographer. Her portfolio includes faces from the New York Times Best Seller List and Good Morning America, brands featured on and, and foods you’ve seen on Eater and at Whole Foods grocery stores. She is the founder of The Subscription Photographer.